Good morning

good morning

सपनो के जहाँ से अब लौट आऔ,
हुई हे सुबह अब जाग जाओ,
चांद – तारों को अब कह कर अलविदा,
इस नए दिन की खुँशियों मे खो जाओ !

Wish You Lovely Good Morning

फूलों की वादियों में हो बसेरा तेरा,
सितारों के आँगन में हो घर तेरा,
दुआ है एक दोस्त की एक दोस्त को,
कि तुझसे भी खूबसूरत हो सवेरा तेरा.
Good Morning

आपकी नयी सुबह इतनी सुहानी हो जाये,
दुखों की सारी बातें आपकी पुरानी हो जायें,
दे जाये इतनी खुशियां यह नया दिन,
कि ख़ुशी भी आपकी दीवानी हो जाये।

ऐ सूरज मेरे अपनों को यह पैग़ाम देना,
खुशियों का दिन हंसी की शाम देना,
जब कोई पढ़े प्यार से मेरे इस पैग़ाम को,
तो उन को चेहरे पर प्यारी सी मुस्कान देना

जन्नत की महलों में हो महल आपका,
ख्वाबो की वादी में हो शहर आपका,
सितारो के आंगन में हो घर आपका,
दुआ है सबसे खूबसूरत हो हर दिन आपका

एक महान फिलोसोफर ने क्या खूब कहा है,
कि ..
“ज़िन्दगी तुही बता कैसे तुझे प्यार करूँ?
तेरी हर एक ‘सुबह’ मुझे अपनों से दुरी का एहसास देती है

बिन सावन बरसात नहीं होती,
सूरज डूबे बिना रात नहीं होती,
क्या करे अब कुछ ऐसे हालत है,
आपकी याद आये बिना दिन
कि शुरुवात नहीं होती…

आपकी आँखों को जगा दिया हमने,
गुड मॉर्निंग का फ़र्ज़ अदा किया हमने,
मत सोचना की सोये हुए हैं हम,
आज आपसे पहले आपको याद किया हमने.

The best part of waking up is literally nothing, please let me go back to sleep ;__;

DREAMING or DOING is a choice that will mean the difference between FAILURE or SUCCESS. Good morning.

May rays of the morning sun light the fire in you to achieve big things in life. Good morning.

Opportunities will knock on your door every morning. But if you keep sleeping they will simply pass you by. Good morning.

I want to live my life in such a way that when I get out of bed in the morning, the devil says, "aw shit, he's up!Good Morning

Wake up every morning with the thought that something wonderful is about to happen.
Good Morning

Good morning…let the stress begin

Strong People Don't Put Others Down
They Lift Them Up......... 💯%✔😊

A good start to a day very important. If you are in a positive frame of mind in the morning than you are very likely to have a productive day.
Similarly, if you get upset or are troubled with something in the morning than you are going to have the same negativity throughout the day.
So it is imperative to keep yourself in the company of positive people. People who make you see the positive side of things.
The other thing that you can do is to read inspiring quotes every morning. Quotes help us a great deal.
Here are some of the best good morning quotes, sayings, and messages with images that you must add to your daily routine to kick start your day.

Be pleasant until ten o’clock in the morning and the rest of the day will take care of itself. — Elbert Hubbard

The world is beautiful outside when there is stability inside.

Effort is important,
but knowing where
to make an effort
in your life
makes all the difference.

A beautiful belief:
If God answers ur prayer,
He is increasing ur faith.
If He delays,
He is increasing ur patience
If he doesn't answer,
He knows u can handle

A happy person is not a person
in a certain set of circumstances,
but rather a person with
a certain set of attitudes.

EveryOne wants happiness,
No one needs pain,
But its not possible to get a rainbow
Without a little rain :)

Genuine success comes only to those who are ready for it.
Good Luck

Each moment of your life is a picture
which u had never seen before.
And which ull never see again so enjoy
live life & make each moment beautiful....

The trouble with a Rat race
is that even if u win,
u are still a Rat.
So Always run with Lions.
No matter even if u r defeated,
u are still a Lion.

good morning
good morning
good morning
good morning
good morning

good morning
good morning

Wish you all a pleasant morning It’s time to start afresh, As the day is so new.

Lovely blue sky, And fresh morning dew, Its time to start afresh, As the new day unfolds,

To play your part with dedication, To know your role, Morning is good, as you can start

new, Good morning to you all my dear friends and family,

You are all among God’s chosen few!

Good morning ~ Inspirational Quotes, Motivational Pictures and Wonderful Thoughts

Good Morning Friends
Always Believe something wonderful
is about to happen
Make it a Great Day Today

Inspirational Quotes, Motivational Pictures and Wonderful Thoughts

A morning text does not only mean good morning. It also means, I think about you when I wake up.

A friend is like a mirror, reflecting back to you the very best of who you are.
- Friends smooth out the bumps on the road of life
- Friends help each other through the Big things but cherish together the little things
- Special times with cherished friends are the treasures of the heart
- Friends are the closest thing to angels this side of heaven
- There is no greater blessing than a good friend – except a good friend who grows to be an old friend
Friendship- Friendship Day Quotes - Inspirational Quotes, Motivational Thoughts and Pictures.