hello friends good evening

Getting knocked down lower than you’ve ever been helps you stand taller than you ever were.


Respect should be the very first priority for your girl. "A real man respects his girl, the same way he wants another man to respect his daughter...!!" 

Command of Christ never meant to given without purpose... Love never seek self-seeking... By following this, you will fulfilled all the laws..
Be kind, no envy, no boasting, no dishonor.... It is much easier than following all the laws in the Bible... From God Equals Love Community.


Remember not everyone is bad based on a few bad seeds. For one to base a negative opinion on someone based on race, what job they do or the things they like or on another's twisted perception doesn't show the character of the person your bashing it shows yours. Know your facts first remember only God can judge and right now this world needs to unite more not keep dividing. I believe there is good in this world we are just always shown the bad, let's all be part of the good. good peace and God bless Have a great day.

good evening

My time on this earth just like everyone else's is limited. Nobody knows when, how or why but we all know eventually we will be gone. I've spent much of my life living the wrong way by wrong I mean wanting people to like me being a people pleaser or worrying about if they liked me or not. And by doing this I lost the real me. Once I realized if they don't like me and they judge me or talk about me behind my back why should I care what they think. I don't need them in my life and They damn well don't deserve to get to know the real me. They don't live my life they don't pay my bills there is only one who can judge and that is God. I may not live my life exactly how he would want me to but I try everyday to make a change. I am a man of values, morals and big on family. And just as the saying goes I will never choose sides on my family but I can definitely limit my time with those who steal my peace or ruffle my feathers. I am not a pawn in a messed up game of chess, I am a human and don't like to be used in others games........